
After many years of observing our bureaucrats and politicians,
I have concluded:
Something is wrong with this nation,
It has too much respect for education,
As our questionable leaders have degrees by the pound.
(Near half the politicians are lawyers,
And to be a bureaucrat the first thing you have to have to qualify
Is a degree in idiocy.)
But what they need is what they completely lack, and can’t be taught,
As no school can make Ability,
Or give Common Sense,
Schools can polish the man but they cannot make the man,
That seems something only nature, providence and luck can do.

I have found also from observation,
That the wind is like ability and the sail like Common Sense,
Without their union,
And no school can teach it,
No degree be given in it,
Only a mysterious union of Ability and Common Sense
Makes good leaders,
As well as good voters,
For good voters are needed to pick good leaders,
If given half a chance,
But the present system does not give the voters that.
Look at what the people are asked to vote on,
But be polite, resist that urge to laugh,
A wry smile can do in place of it.

Actually we now parallel in this country,
Ancient Chinese thinking which was,
In order to be a government official,
You qualified by having a degree in ancient Chinese poetry,
And what the one had to do with the other,
Rather over reaches me.
The insights of one might touch the other sometimes, but rarely,
And generally that’s a non-usable daily qualification I fail to see.
Why that system is used today in America, I do not quite understand,
As the way to educate a born zero is to make him zero minus one,
And get him a degree that testifies how this fool went to school,
But what of that?
Only fools believe fully in degrees and that is that !

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