
What some people don’t quite realize:
Is the bureaucrats exercise more tyrannical power over them,
Than any lawmakers or politicians do,
Every Government Department has a thousand policies,
Which are not really laws but might as well be,
As they are unofficial laws named vaguely “policies,”
Made by book-bound bureaucrats from Harvard,
And that’s what the politicians let their text bound children do,
As part of the widespread effort to screw the people,
That characterizes political rule generally,

As that’s the way the politicians solve problems,
They create a Department,
Which snowballs into a Frankenstein.
The way these Departments answer the telephone is to say:
“This is the Frankenstein Department, how can we help you?
What monstrous law or ridiculous policy, do you object to?
When you hear your gripe recorded,
Please Press Number Two!”

You must remember bureaucrats are really crypto-politicians,
As the politicians get their positions by sucking up to the people,
The bureaucrats get their positions by sucking up to the politicians,
Let’s put it this way:
Politicians are in power,
But the crypto-politicians behind them,
Run the show! Let me give you an example:
The Supreme Court, “the Devils Nine,” will do:
They are appointed to life terms by politicians,
Whom we suppose they might have sucked up to.
And it seems their decisions usually mirror them for ever,
As life is the term they have to kneel and serve,
Whatever party they have chosen to suck up to

It’s sort of a bureaucratic train rolling down a political track,
Run by crypto-wheels rolling behind the real wheels, all chugging on politically.
Now dare tell me the country don’t need more direct voting by the people on issues.
That will cut down on the power of these Department Creating politicians,
That are always setting up and backing up
Tyrannical departments to plague the people with new forms and changing policies.
Yet LESS government is the cause for me,
But the politicians create more tyrannical government departments constantly,
Enlarging the role of government bureaucracy.

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