Watch the Politicians

Adding the direct vote of the people on big issues like finance, budgeting, war and chosen other issues
is but the logical completion of the system of checks and balances that was first begun by the Founding
Fathers. We are but following in their thinking, in their footsteps, by adding yet another step in checks
and balances that was not possible hundreds of years ago due to the primitive state of communications

It should be obvious that now that we have the modern electronic communications technology that
makes the ultimate round of checks and balances possible, we should do it. Had this addition been
possible in the 18th century, I believe the Founding Fathers would have used it. Or in time the
nation would have grown into it as is the case now.

But now by voting directly on big issues the people as voters can check on what the politicians do just
as any responsible parents check on their what kids do after the kids have been told what to do– that is
responsibly behave themselves. (Of course far be it from me to say any politicians would misbehave,
be crooked, sneaky or evasive and need to checked on or supervised. I speak ironically of course.
As boys will be boys, politicians will be politicians, and if you do not use methods, like direct voting
on issues the politicians may have passed, to check on them regularly, you are indeed a poor parent
and possibly a fool.

You know full well your checking on the children and your ability to correct them when misbehaving is
crucial to good parenthood. It is also crucial to good government. And we now have a political system
that generally says politicians can be corrected only by other politicians. The people are themselves
the basic and backbone of the country and they should be able to correct their politicians by direct
voting on crucial issues that effect them.

people often ask me exactly what leanings, attitudes and actions politicians have that the people are
constantly in need of watching out for. I shall name a few you too may have noticed, but there are
undoubtedly some you mat not have noticed that need adding to my insufficient list.

1. Politicians tend to try to solve every problem by means of money that, once given usually is badly
supervised. Politicians tend to try to buy off everybody, every nation and often insoluble problems
of human nature that are out of reach of solution by money. (In this way they have often thrown
borrowed money at things until the situation has become ludicrous.) They also assume often that
every problem has a solution money can solve, but some problems are insoluble. Politicians do not
like to face the reality of the unsolvable problem, because their promises of election often offer the
idea they can and will resolve the impossible. (If you read some of their bills, you see it. Votes directly
on these give-a-ways are needed by good people with more honest minds. Voters are needed from all
over the country as a reality check on who have not much sense of reality about money.)

2. Politicians love to interfere on supposedly moral grounds in the business of other countries.
They often seem to wish to force democracy on other countries whose social evolution is
insufficient to support modern democracy. To a politician it seems a jump from 9th century
tribalism to modern democracy is a breeze. Politicians seem to have very little grasp of social
evolution or the time it takes.

3. Politicians seem to see democracy only one way. It may be the right way, but it is not the only way,
and people in various countries have a right to do wrong. Politicians do not seem to grasp they cannot
negate free will on this earth. But politicians love to preach and they seem to like to stir up unwise
outrage the better to get them votes.

4. Politicians tell the people they should trust the politicians. While you may go to Heaven on trust,
I do not believe you survive well or long on earth with unquestioning trust.. The terrors of the past
century have been often caused by the trust of the people in the Great Dictator Politicians, masters
of modernization through murder and infamy. I suggest the way to go is to keep a close watch on
the politicians. Therefore I advocate direct voting on great issues by the people wary of politicians.
The best way to keep the politicians in line is for the people to be watching and thereby safeguarding
the nation.

5. The people need not only to watch the use of national money, but the role of outside money in the
elections and politics at all levels of government: national, state, county and town.

6. Voting by the people on issues directly has to be there so we, the people, can vote on the issues
the politicians are too scared to vote on. Often an honest but unpopular vote may end a political
career. I suggest the only people who can be trusted to vote honestly are voters who are not trying
to get elected to any office. They are the good people who want to do what is right for their country.
The sincerity, realism and common sense of the people is what the politicians need to be a reality
check on what is often their fantasies or overly idealistic political solutions. It seems to me the
politicians often have their heads in their clouds packed with political party and political deals and

7. Voting directly on issues in a timely manner by the people should be available to see that decisions
are made. The politicians will put off what is “unpopular”in issues as long as they can. (Putting off
is a “yes” answer to a “no” issue as the bad situation continues by doing nothing. The weeds not
pulled grow bigger. The voting of the people need to be there to see the garden is kept by the
politicians in a responsible and timely manner.)

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